Table of Contents

Class LogixElement


A base class for all types that can be serialized and deserialized from a L5X file. This abstract class enforces the ILogixSerializable interface and a constructor taking a XElement for initialization of and underlying element object. Deriving classes will have access to the underlying element and methods for easily getting and setting data.

public abstract class LogixElement : ILogixSerializable
Inherited Members



Creates a new default LogixElement initialized with an XElement having the L5XType name of the element.

protected LogixElement()


Initializes a new LogixElement with the provided XElement

protected LogixElement(XElement element)


element XElement

The L5X XElement to initialize the entity with.



element is null.



The underlying XElement representing the backing data for the entity. Use this object to store and retrieve data for the component. This property is the basis for serialization and deserialization of L5X data.

protected readonly XElement Element

Field Value




An indication as to whether this element is attached to a L5X document.

public bool IsAttached { get; }

Property Value


true if this is an attached element; Otherwise, false.


This simply looks to see if the element has a ancestor with the root RSLogix5000Content element or not. If so we will assume this element is attached to an overall L5X document.



Returns a new deep cloned instance of the current type.

public LogixElement Clone()



A new LogixElement type with the same property values.


This method will simply deserialize a new instance using the current underlying element data.



The object being cloned does not have a constructor accepting a single XElement argument.


Returns a new deep cloned instance as the specified LogixElement type.

public TElement Clone<TElement>() where TElement : LogixElement



A new instance of the specified element type with the same property values.

Type Parameters


The LogixElement type to cast to.


This method will simply deserialize a new instance using the current underlying element data.



The object being cloned does not have a constructor accepting a single XElement argument.


The deserialized type can not be cast to the specified generic type parameter.


Gets a immediate child element of the specified member name if it exists and deserializes it as the specific generic type parameter. If the element does not exist, returns default.

protected T? GetComplex<T>(string? name = null) where T : LogixElement


name string

The name of the child element.



If found, the value of child element deserialized as the generic type parameter. If not found, returns default.

Type Parameters


The return type of the element.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible for derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).


Gets a child LogixContainer<TElement> with the specified element name, representing the root of a collection of contained elements.

protected LogixContainer<TChild> GetContainer<TChild>(string? name = null) where TChild : LogixElement


name string

The name of the child container collection (e.g. Members).



A LogixContainer<TElement> containing all the child elements of the specified type.

Type Parameters


The child element type.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).



A child element with name does not exist.

GetDateTime(string?, string?)

Gets the date/time value of the specified attribute name from the current element if it exists. If the attribute does not exist, returns default value.

protected DateTime? GetDateTime(string? format = null, string? name = null)


format string

The format of the date time. If not provided will default to 'ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy' which is a typical L5X date time format.

name string

The name of the date time attribute.



The parsed DateTime value of the attribute.


This is a specialized helper since the date time formats are different for different component properties, we need to allow that to be specified.


Gets the value of the specified child element parsed as the specified generic type parameter if it exists. If the element does not exist, returns default value of the generic type parameter.

protected T? GetProperty<T>(string? name = null)


name string

The name of the child element.



If found, the value of child element parsed as the generic type parameter. If not found, returns default.

Type Parameters


The return type of the value.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).


Gets the value of the specified attribute name from the element parsed as the specified generic type parameter. If the attribute does not exist, throw a InvalidOperationException.

protected T GetRequiredValue<T>(string? name = null)


name string

The name of the attribute.



The value of attribute parsed as the generic type parameter.

Type Parameters


The return type of the value.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).



No attribute with the provided name was found on Element.

GetValue<T>(Func<XElement, XElement?>, string?)

Gets the value of the selected attribute parsed as the specified generic type parameter if it exists. If the attribute does not exist, returns default value of the generic type parameter.

protected T? GetValue<T>(Func<XElement, XElement?> selector, string? name = null)


selector Func<XElement, XElement>

A selection delegate that allows custom selection of a element relative to Element. Use this to reach down the element hierarchy for nested values.

name string

The name of the attribute.



If found, the value of attribute parsed as the generic type parameter. If not found, returns default.

Type Parameters


The return type of the value.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).


Gets the value of the specified attribute name from the element parsed as the specified generic type parameter if it exists. If the attribute does not exist, returns default value of the generic type parameter.

protected T? GetValue<T>(string? name = null)


name string

The name of the attribute.



If found, the value of attribute parsed as the generic type parameter. If not found, returns default.

Type Parameters


The return type of the value.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

GetValue<T>(XName, string?)

Gets the value of a child element attribute parsed as the specified generic type parameter if it exists. If the attribute does not exist, returns default value of the generic type parameter.

protected T? GetValue<T>(XName child, string? name = null)


child XName

The name of the child element containing the attribute value to retrieve.

name string

The name of the attribute.



If found, the value of attribute parsed as the generic type parameter. If not found, returns default.

Type Parameters


The return type of the value.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).


Returns a LogixContent instance wrapping the current element's root L5X element if it exists.

public LogixContent? L5X()



If the current element is attached to a L5X document (i.e. has a root content element), then a new LogixContent instance wrapping the root; Otherwise, null.


This allows attached logix elements to reach up to the content file in order to traverse or retrieve other elements in the L5X. This is helpful for other extensions that need rely on the L5X to perform functions.


Returns the underlying XElement for the LogixElement.

public virtual XElement Serialize()



A XElement representing the serialized entity.

SetComplex<T>(T?, string?)

Sets the complex type object of a child element, adds a child element, or removes a child element.

protected void SetComplex<T>(T? value, string? name = null) where T : ILogixSerializable


value T

The complex type to assign to the child element. The child element is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is serialized and added as a child element to the current type's element.

name string

The name of the element to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method it only available to make getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

SetContainer<TChild>(LogixContainer<TChild>?, string?)

Sets the value of a child container, adds a child container, or removes a child container.

protected void SetContainer<TChild>(LogixContainer<TChild>? value, string? name = null) where TChild : LogixElement


value LogixContainer<TChild>

The LogixContainer<TElement> value to set. The child container is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is serialized and added (or replaces the existing) to underlying parent element.

name string

The name of the child container collection (e.g. Members).

Type Parameters


The container type parameter.


This method it only available to make getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

SetDateTime(DateTime?, string?, string?)

Sets the date/time value of a attribute, adds a attribute, or removes a attribute if null.

protected void SetDateTime(DateTime? value, string? format = null, string? name = null)


value DateTime?

The value to set.

format string

The format of the date time. If not provided will default to 'ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy' which is a typical L5X date time format.

name string

The name of the date time attribute.


This is a specialized helper since the date time formats are different for different component properties, we should allow that to be specified.

SetProperty<T>(T, string?)

Sets the value of a child element, adds a child element, or removes a child element.

protected void SetProperty<T>(T value, string? name = null)


value T

The value to assign to the child element. The child element is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is converted to its string representation, wrapped in a XCData object, and assigned to the Value property of the child element.

name string

The name of the element to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method it only available to make getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

SetRequiredValue<T>(T, string?)

Sets or adds the value of an attribute on the underlying element.

protected void SetRequiredValue<T>(T value, string? name = null)


value T

The value to assign to the attribute. If null, an exception will be thrown.

name string

The name of the attribute to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method it only available to make getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property). This method will throw an exception if the value is null.



value is null.

SetValue<T>(T?, Func<XElement, XElement?>, string?)

Sets the value of an attribute, adds an attribute, or removes an attribute for a element obtained using the provided selector delegate.

protected void SetValue<T>(T? value, Func<XElement, XElement?> selector, string? name = null)


value T

The value to assign to the attribute. The attribute is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is converted to its string representation and assigned to the Value property of the attribute.

selector Func<XElement, XElement>

A selection delegate that allows custom selection of a element relative to Element. Use this to reach down the element hierarchy for nested values.

name string

The name of the attribute to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method helps make getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

SetValue<T>(T?, string?)

Sets the value of an attribute, adds an attribute, or removes an attribute.

protected void SetValue<T>(T? value, string? name = null)


value T

The value to assign to the attribute. The attribute is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is converted to its string representation and assigned to the Value property of the attribute.

name string

The name of the attribute to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).

SetValue<T>(T?, XName, string?)

Sets the value of an attribute, adds an attribute, or removes an attribute for a nested element specified by provided element name.

protected void SetValue<T>(T? value, XName child, string? name = null)


value T

The value to assign to the attribute. The attribute is removed if the value is null. Otherwise, the value is converted to its string representation and assigned to the Value property of the attribute.

child XName

The name of the child XElement for which to set the attribute. If the element does not exist and attribute is not null, will create the element and add to the parent Element.

name string

The name of the attribute to set.

Type Parameters


The value type.


This method makes getting/setting data on Element as concise as possible from derived classes. This method uses the CallerMemberNameAttribute so the deriving classes don't have to specify the property name (assuming its the name matches the underlying element property).